Home » [DOWNLOAD] Alex Myatt – Copy Career Accelerator (2024)
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[DOWNLOAD] Alex Myatt – Copy Career Accelerator (2024)

Alex Myatt – Copy Career Accelerator Download


  • Step-by-step guides for landing clients (6+ hours of footage on how to do this)
  • 10+ hours of in-depth, beginner-focused Q&As (with 5 copywriting and freelancing experts) 
  • Behind-the-curtain footage of a “six-figure copywriter’s” research process
  • Shortcuts for finding copywriting information you actually need to know
  • Cheat-sheets, original documents, and never-before-seen advice based on Copy That!’s 5-Hour copywriting course
  • Dozens of answers and solutions to the most common new-copywriter-problems
  • (Plus+) Access to free & exclusive bonuses…

1. Getting Clients & Landing Jobs

How to Get Clients: Copy That!’s Masterclass Trilogy

Masterclass #1: “How to Attract Clients & Cut Through the Clutter of Your Competition” | 1 hour 30 minutes

Masterclass #2: “How to Build a Network So Solid That You’ll Never Have to ‘Apply’ for a Job Ever Again…” | 2 hours 21 minutes

Masterclass #3: “Secrets to Successful CVs, Resumes, and Pitches (That Land 4 of Every 5 Jobs They Go For)” | 2 hours 34 minutes

  • ​Cold email doesn’t work! UNLESS you do this. Skip to 14:24 in Masterclass #1 to find out why I’m so good at securing freelance clients over email.
  • ​”Copywriting is oversaturated.” The truth is… anyone who says this only ever tries the same 2 or 3 methods for winning gigs. Let me reveal exactly where they go wrong.
  • ​No experience? Can you still get copywriting clients? YES! The secret is choosing the right targets – let’s look at how you can start doing that today…
  • ​Masterclass #2 reveals how I went from $5 content writer to $100k copywriter before I was 22. (This isn’t for everyone but if you think you can handle it… then prepare for rapid progress…)
  • ​REVEALED: How to Build a Network So Solid That You’ll Never Have to “Apply” for a Job Ever Again – (And the 11 Keys to achieving it…)
  • And much more….

2. Uncovering the Secrets of Good Research

How a “Six-Figure Copywriter” Conducts Research

This is REAL footage of me (Alex) using my detailed research progress to master an entire market | 13 hours 54 minutes

Ever wondered if you’re doing research wrong? These unrestricted videos will show you once and for all.

  • ​​(From a real project) Watch 100% unedited, raw, “over my shoulder” footage of how I find the BEST messages to use in copy…
  • Not sure where to start when writing copy? No problem. Simply follow the steps laid out in these 11 videos.
  • ​Discover how to identify “IVOC-rich” web pages to swipe from, for your own copy (episode 2 reveals all…)
  • ​“THIS is where the real money is made.” Want to know how the right research process can mean the difference between a $300 and $3,000 project? Dive into episode 3.
  • ​“It’s like we’re drinking from the same cup of tea… ” Sit next to me as I reveal EVERYTHING I do when preparing to write killer copy. If you’ve ever been stuck looking at a blank Word Document, this research series holds the cure.
  • ​11 videos… 13 hours and 54 minutes… FULL behind-the-scenes access to my research method… (Nobody has seen this before.)
  • ​WARNING: We do touch on some sensitive material in these videos… So only watch if you’re prepared to see what copywriters really get up to on a daily basis…
  • ​How to become the most knowledgeable copywriter in A
  • And much more….

3. Mastering the Basics

Staying On Track: 5 Copywriting Cheat Sheets for Beginners

Make these 5 core lessons into your personal mantras. 

If you could only look at one resource for the rest of your career, you should choose this one every time.

(Print them out, make them your screensaver, tattoo them on your forearm… Just don’t forget them.)

  • “The Emotional Decision” This is DEADLY important if you don’t want to bore your reader to tears… If you only take away ONE thing from these cheat sheets, let it be this.
  • ​“Wait… what Stage of Awareness is this copy?” Sound familiar? Keep sheet #2 handy so you’re never in doubt again.
  • ​Take a look at the #1 thing that stops readers from continuing with copy  Get this right and you’ll have jumped the first hurdle where most copywriters fall.
  • ​Unlock the undeniable framework of RIOA. (Throughout my career, this has been the most reliable thing to fall back on whenever I’m stuck for words…)
  • ​Get the 4-step process for making EVERY LINE YOU WRITE feel like it was written exclusively for your reader (with real-life examples). This separates the bottom 95% from the top 5% of copywriters.
  • ​NOTE: If you have a printer, you have our permission to make these into physical copies and put them above your desk…

4. Speeding Up Your Learning 

Alex’s Very Own: Summarized Notes on 5 of the Best Copywriting Books

This is where things get a little intimate. 

You’ll get access to my own take-aways from the very best copywriting books out there. 

(+ Save yourself a lot of reading time…)

  • “The lessons that made me a good copywriter…” These are the actual notes I took when first starting my copywriting journey. And this is the first time I’ve ever shared them with anyone else…
  •  SHORTCUT ALERT  Unlock the most important copywriting lessons in 1/10th of the time…
  • ​More than just great copywriting knowledge: Access to these documents also means you get a first-hand look at how I take notes on resources + an insight into what kind of books led to my current success.
  • Book #1: Mainline the “Copywriting Bible” straight into your mind WITHOUT reading hundreds of pages of text… (In fact, it’ll only take 12) 
  • Book #2: By far the most powerful book in this whole collection. I almost feel stupid sharing its secrets with other people… 
  • Book #3: If you dream of making it as a financial copywriter, THIS book is basically required reading… (And even as a non-financial copywriter, it revealed so much to me.)
  • Book #4: 5 steps to writing a successful piece of copy? Yep, these notes show you an A-Z blueprint for producing copy that converts…
  • ​Book #5: Scroll and stop at any of these 8 pages and you’ll find a piece of advice you can use RIGHT NOW in whatever copy you’re writing… It’s almost scary how applicable this book is.

5. Making Everything Stick

The ORIGINAL SCRIPT for the 5-hour “Secrets of Copywriting” Video

Become a “true copywriting geek” by unlocking the original script of the video that has already helped thousands of people begin their copywriting journey.

Again… nobody has ever seen this before.

  • ​​LEAKED: Everything I wanted to say in the 5-hour video, but couldn’t… this script reveals all… 
  • ​Before it was ever intended for YouTube… Gain access to the entire script I wrote for “The Secrets of Copywriting” (back when I was paid to write it for an 8-figure company’s marketing team)
  • 24,857 words… 38 pages… PLUS a whole bunch I never even included in the YouTube video… If you ever wanted “a written version,” this is it.
  • CTRL + F has never been so useful… Welcome to your very own “quick reference guide” for copywriting. Use this document as your go-to glossary anytime you need a refresh…
  • ​Make your own note-taking 10x easier… Seriously, you can copy + paste ANYTHING you want from this script.

6. Jumping All the Roadblocks

ALL 9 Copy That! “Private Q&A Streams”

Unlock access to our “behind-closed-doors” archive of private Q&A streams where dozens of beginners have asked us about their most pressing problems.

If you have any remaining questions about copywriting or getting clients, I’m almost certain you’ll find an answer here.

  • ​Unlimited access to every private Q&A we’ve ever hosted (at the time of writing)  Unlock 10+ hours of answers that every copywriter needs to hear…
  • $7,600: THAT is how much these private sessions alone would cost if all 5 of us charged our hourly rates…
  • ​Prepare yourself for 5-on-1, in-depth answers to questions like… 
  • “How can I charge commissions or royalties as a copywriter?”
  • ​“Is it normal for newbies to sometimes feel like they’ve lost [the] copywriting knowledge they’ve gained? If not, how can this be avoided or mitigated?”
  • ​“How do you make sure your client likes your work?”
  • ​“What methods do the Copy That! hosts use for research?”
  • ​“What age is right to get into copywriting?”
  • ​“How many times should I revise my work before submitting it?”
  • ​“How do I know I’m ready for copywriting clients?”
  • ​“Can I start copywriting with no experience?
  • ​And A TON more…

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