Khalid Hamadeh – Facebook Ads Training For Beginners Download

Learn to scale
your business
fast and profitably
with Facebook & Instagram ads
training by an ex-Facebooker.
1. Strategies. Learn my personal strategies, developed through rigorous experimentation & millions of dollar of ad spend.
Learn my strategies for eCommerce, Lead Generation, Lookalike targeting, Retargeting, Dynamic Ads, Dynamic Creative, “Cascading Cold Starts” Method, and more.
2. Tutorials. The course includes step-by-step guides that show you exactly how to execute my strategies, in the Facebook ads platform.
Hours of instructional tutorials included, to teach you exactly how to execute the strategies introduced to you in the course.
3. Proficiency. Learn how Facebook ads work “under the hood”.
Enabling you to build an important foundation of knowledge important for executing the course’s strategies, and understanding the auction dynamics that underpin the ad platform.
80+ On-Demand Video Lessons & Tutorials!
Covering a very broad range of subjects, and progressively becoming more advanced through the course. eCommerce, Lead Gen, Lookalikes, Retargeting, Dynamic Ads, my “Cold Starts Cascading Method”, how to build excellent creative, affordably, and a LOT more.
The only Facebook Ads course taught by a former Facebook Employee
Teaching you what I learned from 3 years working at Facebook in a senior ads role: the secrets, principles, and practices used by the world’s best Facebook ad marketers. I’ve also advised dozens of startups through my consultancy, and launched 6 eCommerce companies of my own.
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