Sang Lucci Master Course 2021 Download

You Will Learn:
Professional Equities and Options Trading
Utilize tactics for all market conditions, time horizons, and income goals. Learn advanced methods for risk management, equities and options combo plays, and specific strategies focusing on elements like vol and time decay.
Tape Reading
Integrate the most advanced form of momentum analysis into your trading. Find confirmation not just on what to trade, but also HOW and WHEN to trade it.
Flow Trading
Transform “Wiseguy Activity” into your source of Alpha.
Ride the momentum created by institutions instead of getting crushed by it!
Trading Psychology
Master the most difficult part of trading: controlling your own mind. Understand yourself as a trader and how to overcome the challenges unique to your personality, risk appetite, account size, and experience.
- Definition of Tape Reading
- Refreshing Orders
- Scanning and Analyzing Large Order Transactions
- Trading against the machine: spotting algo activity and leveraging it to your advantage
- Level II
- Exchanges and Routes
- Fakeouts
- Time and Sales
- Dark Pools
- Timing: Having The Touch and Timing with the Markets
- Bid and Ask as Related to Tape Reading
- Tape/Price Manipulation Techniques
- Combining Flow Trading and Wiseguy Activity
- Basic definitions (call, put, strike price, reading an options chain, etc)
- Supply & demand dynamics
- Volatility
- Scalping
- Identifying and trading trending markets
- Auction process
- Sang Lucci’s equation for pricing an option
- Puts vs. short-selling
- Day Trading
- Sentiment
- Short selling
- The underlying stock
- In the money vs. out of the money
- Swing Trading
- Price action
- Time decay
- Weeklies vs. monthlies
- Identifying and trading chop markets
- Preventing over-trading
- Avoiding distractions
- Defending against types of manipulation
- Manage your losses AND your winners
- Adjusting to changing market regimes
- Spotting fakeouts
- Maintaining confidence
- Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
- Preventing over-trading
- Avoiding distractions
- Defending against types of manipulation
- Manage your losses AND your winners
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