Home » [DOWNLOAD] Justin Goff – Ultimate Black Friday Bundle (2024)
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[DOWNLOAD] Justin Goff – Ultimate Black Friday Bundle (2024)

Justin Goff – Ultimate Black Friday Bundle Download


Training #1:

How to Build and Grow a Highly Profitable Email List Full of “People With Money”

The Ultimate List Building Method Proven to Repel Time-Wasting Tire Kickers (who never buy anything) and Stack Your List With Commited Prospects Eager to Open Their Wallets and Buy From You

  • How to acquire an 8,000-10,000 person email list for FREE in the next two weeks (yes, I said free)
  • ​The #1 traffic source that puts “people with money” onto your email list (this traffic source beats out Youtube, Facebook and Instagram when it comes to high-value leads)
  • The 12 MOST profitable niches to start your list in (and the 3 niches you should AVOID at all costs)
  • The simple magazine “trick” that more or less guarantees you’re onto a winning niche (and how to make sure your chosen niche is still ‘relevant’ 5 or 10 years from now)
  • How to start a list (and instantly profit) even if you’re not an expert and even if nobody knows who you are
  • ​How to structure your offer to break-even (or better) on ‘Day Zero’ so you can buy up all of the traffic you can handle
  • ​Advanced list building tactics that are bringing in 5000+ leads a day for “big dogs” like Mike Geary, Joel Marion and Russell Brunson
  • ​Which lead magnets work best for attracting “people with money” (and which ones you should AVOID)
  • ​The 60-second test that tells you if your lead magnet will convert BEFORE you even create it
  • ​How I turned a massive radio station into my #1 affiliate that sent me 100-120 high-value buyers a day (believe it or not, these “radio buyers” spent 30-40% MORE on average than a Facebook buyer) 
  • ​Lead magnets that are kicking ass right now in over 16 different niches, including health and fitness, making money, guitar, retirement, dating and survival
  • ​How you can use “list splintering” to double the value of every lead you put on your list (list splintering is used by all the big emailers like Paleohacks, Garage Warrior and more)
  • ​How to legally “hijack” your competitor’s thank you page and filter their best buyers onto YOUR list (this is super ninja and 100% legal)
  • ​What tech you need to run an email list (both beginner friendly and advanced)
  • ​Plus much, much more…

Training #2:

How to Build Massive Email Lists With Low-Priced “Pocket Change” Offers

This Method is Currently Used By 8-Figure Direct Response Businesses Like Paleohacks, Alt Daily and Survival Life to Add 50, 100 and Even 1000 New Buyers a Day to Their Email Lists (WITHOUT Costing Them a Penny)…

  • How to put 1,000, 10,000 or even 100,000 new buyers on your email list WITHOUT costing you a dime
  • ​Why a “Pocket Change” Offer is the perfect offer to build a list with if you’re NOT well known or you’re NOT an expert
  • How to know if your “Pocket Change” Offer will be a winner BEFORE you even create the product (Ning has written 14 winning offers in a row using this formula)
  • The 2 MOST important parts of a winning “Pocket Change” Offer (get these 2 things right and you’ll put hundreds of new buyers on your list each day, get it wrong and your offer will be a dud)
  • The exact price you should sell your “Pocket Change” Offer for if you want to maximize your sales (the price will vary depending on your niche, but we’ll show you the best price for your offer based on the niche you choose)
  • ​The 2 BEST traffic sources that Mike Geary swears by to sell his “Pocket Change” Offers (we’ll show you examples of winning ads and copy for both of these traffic sources)
  • ​PLUS… real-world examples of “Pocket Change” Offers that are running right now in dozens of niches like dating, business, copywriting, survival, gardening, politics, cooking, food products, supplements and more…

Training #3:

How to Run a Highly-Profitable 1-Day Cash Machine to Any Email List

Uncover The “Anti-Funnel” Secret to Pulling Massive Profits From Your Email List With A Simple Checkout Page and a Zoom Call!

  • How to come up with a “sexy” topic your list WANTS to learn about for your 1-Day Cash Machine (plus several examples of proven topics, and a fill-in-the-blank template for creating your own “sexy” topic for your specific niche)
  • ​My 4-part formula in coming up with a winning topic for your 1-Day Cash Machine (plus The #1 way to know if a topic will work for your list or niche)
  • The MOST important part of running your 1-Day Cash Machine (get this wrong and it doesn’t matter how good your copy or emails are)
  • Top 3 ways of analyzing your list to determine winning topics for your 1-Day Cash Machine (create as many winners as you want for yourself or your clients)
  • How to test your idea for your 1-day cash machine to guarantee it’s a WINNER before you launch a promotion for it
  • ​How to price your training for your specific niche (this will vary based on your niche, so I’ll show you exactly how to price your training based to make the most sales possible)
  • ​Exactly what to say in the emails you send to your list (I’ll give you an entire swipe file of the emails I’ve used for promoting mine, and I’ll also show you the 4 most proven email angles to use to maximize sales)
  • ​How to schedule your promotional calendar for the 1-Day Cash Machine (both simple and advanced ways)
  • ​My 2-part process for writing each promotional email for my 1-Day Cash Machine (including my top 5 performing emails with examples of each one)
  • ​9-step checklist on how to pitch your 1-Day Cash Machine training in your emails (this is important, since we’re not using a sales page or funnel)
  • ​I’ll also give you swipe files with tons of examples of 1-Day Cash Machine offers and emails (in dozens of different niches) so you know exactly what to say and what to offer to your list…

Training #4:

How to Write “Justin Style” Emails for Maximum Money and Maximum Influence

How to Use Friendly “Personality Driven” Emails to Get Your List to Open, Read, and Religiously Buy Everything You Want To Sell Them

  • How to write personality-driven emails for your clients (we’ll dive into how you can get stories and topics from a client so you can write in their voice)
  • ​How to come up with endless ideas to write about to your list (plus the two things I focus on when writing personality-driven emails)
  • The 9 MOST profitable email types you can send to your list (this makes it super easy to know what to write each day)
  • How to get 50-60% open rates on the emails you send (this is what I’ve averaged for the past three years)
  • How to sell things through email and have your list LOVE you for it (instead of hating you and unsubscribing)
  • ​How I’m able to bring in $20k-$45k a month promoting affiliate offers using nothing but personality-driven emails (I’ll show you a full 7-day example of how to do this)
  • ​The 3 MOST important factors for maximizing sales on your affiliate promo (both your offers and others)
  • ​How often you should sell in your emails vs. how often you should send “bonding” emails
  • How to get people to open your email every single day simply because it’s YOU sending it (this is really the foundation of my email style for getting people to know, like, and trust you)
  • ​4 simple list building strategies for putting BUYERS on your list (this could be its own course, but I’ll breakdown 4 of my favorite list building methods that you can use right now to build a list – both paid and organic)
  • ​Attracting QUALITY leads to your list (people who are already PAYING money to learn)
  • ​Access to the entire swipe file of how to use “Justin style” emails in niches like health, financial, coaching, biz-op, survival, dating, music, hobby niches and more
  • ​Plus much, much more…

Training #5:

5-Figure Email Promos From Tiny Lists

How to Consistently Craft Winning Email Promotions for Your Email List (Big or Small) to Maximize Sales for Any Offer You Promote

  • The 3 types of emails that are bringing in the MOST sales right now in 2023 (you can use all three of these in any niche)
  • ​How to double or triple the sales of any email promo you run by using the “email promo tripod
  • The 60 second test that tells you whether the offer you’re promoting will be a winner or not BEFORE you even promote it
  • The #1 thing in your emails that pushes people to buy (yet, most people forget this)
  • What price points are working best for email promos in 2023 (the unstable economy is definitely having an affect on this, so we’ll show you what prices you should use)
  • ​How to increase the money you make on affiliate promos by 70% or more with a simple 5 word question
  • ​The BEST day of the week to start your email promos (and the one day you should always avoid for starting a promo on)
  • ​You’ll also get a full swipe file of WINNING email promos that you can study, swipe and use to make yourself a bunch of dough
  • ​Plus much, much more…

Training #6:

The 13 Most Profitable Email Hooks Of All Time

Kiss Your Writer’s-Block and Creative Drought “Good-Bye” With a Proven Cheat-Sheet of 13 Email Hooks Guaranteed to Crush With Every Email You Write or Send (Proven to Work for Any Price, Product, or Niche)

  • The “S.T.D. hook” that brought in over 70,000 BUYERS for a supplement offer in a single year
  • ​The “Truth Serum hook” that outperformed every other email in a recent affiliate launch (and helped me nab 2nd place in the launch)
  • The “P.O.T.P. hook” that crushes in niches where your buyers are highly skeptical (like “make money”, fitness, financial and health)
  • The “Admission hook” that sold 112 units of a $1,997 physical product ($223k in total sales)
  • The “M.I.T. hook” that’s probably the easiest email to write, but also continues to dominate in niches like dating, financial and health
  • ​The “Dr. Doom hook” that I’ve used to DOUBLE the sales on the last day of a sale or a launch
  • ​Phe “BL tease” that makes it as easy as pie to sell courses, ebooks and information products
  • ​The “Tin foil hook” that’s so weird and outlandish that it gets MASSIVE open rates and a huge amount of buyers
  • ​The “Therapy Mirror” hook that’s pulled in more sales than any other email I’ve sent in 2023 (this is BY FAR the best performing email hook I’ve used this year)
  • P​lus many, many more of the most profitable email hooks of all time…

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