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Krystle Alfarero – Human Design Reader Certification

Original price was: $2,997.00.Current price is: $230.00.

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What if you could master your chart reading skills and guide deep transformation with Human Design?



You know first-hand how game-changing Human Design has been in your own life, and in the lives of so many others.

And now you want to share this wealth of knowledge and wisdom to both empower and better serve your own clients or others around you…

If you feel called to help others reclaim their power and want to deep transformation through this life changing system – keep reading!



Here’s the problem…

You know that in order to be able to confidently serve others with Human Design, you still need to build a solid foundation of knowledge and the practical skills to actually use it, but…

  • You’ve tried learning Human Design on your own, but finding clear, organized and comprehensive information is nearly impossible.
  •  The other programs you’ve come across require significant financial ($$$) or lengthy time commitments, and you want more accessible options without sacrificing quality.
  • You were disappointed by the programs you invested in, and received close to no study resources or support on how to actually communicate or use your knowledge.
  • You’ve joined other programs or Human Design Facebook Groups only to be met by dogma, criticism and condescending attitudes, which left you feeling discouraged.