Home » Membership » Bree Melanson – Psychic Bootcamp

Bree Melanson – Psychic Bootcamp

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $80.00.

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Hundreds of students have started their own businesses as intuitive readers and healers after completing the program. This isn’t a “meet your guides class”, Bree has been teaching others how to connect for 15 years – you’ll be fully guided and supported the entire way to harness every facet of your intuitive abilities… there’s nothing else like it.

  • A thorough curriculum covering all aspects of intuition and energy

  • Hands-on practice and readings from others

  • Processes to overcome doubt and step into empowerment and trust

  • Grounded, integrative tools to access clear answers and open your channel

  • A deeper understanding of your soul’s contracts and highest path

  • An incredible community of like-hearted souls to walk this journey with you

  • Clarity in decision making and a new state of self-empowerment

  • Live calls with Bree exploring the material and spiritual growth topics

  • A module dedicated to starting your own business and/or integrating your new intuitive abilities

  • Tons of bonus classes, guest teachers including 25 hours of bonus material!