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[DOWNLOAD] Ajit Nawalkha – Coaching Businesses (2023)

Ajit Nawalkha – Coaching Businesses Download


Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn During This Four-Week Program

Each week in the program is designed to help you gain a deep understanding of the challenges, blocks and issues business-owners and companies face…

…And then –

equips you with the tools and coaching techniques you need to resolve them quickly and efficiently as a coach.

Week 1: Learn How To Help Your Clients Master Their Mindset, So They Can Achieve Extraordinary Success

As a coach, you know that mindset is everything.. And so on this first week – we’ll kickstart with showing you exactly how to help your new, business-clients master their inner game.

You’ll get powerful tools and strategies to help your clients overcome any roadblocks, burst through their fears and limiting beliefs, and show up as the powerful leaders they are.

You’ll learn…

  • Why you don’t need to be a business-expert to become a great business-coach,and the single, most important methodology you need to master instead.
  • How to manage your clients’ emotional states with ease by leveraging one single “weak spot” that naturally exists in our human brain.
  • How to help your clients’ achieve extraordinary results by leveraging 3 powerful tools to easily hack into their belief system, and replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones
  • How to coach your clients to get passed fears that hold them back. Learn one powerful tools that will help you dig deep into their fear, and help them overcome it.
  • How to increase your clients’ personal – as well as cross-company – performance, by helping them create a powerful vision, and communicate it to their team in an inspiring, motivating way.
  • And much more…

By the end of this first week –you’ll have a rock-solid foundation in place that allows you to set your clients up for ultimate, long-term success.

Week 2: Learn How To Coach Your Clients To Become Incredibly Productive And Maximize Their Time

Entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners are notoriously busy.

In the second week you’ll learn how to help your clients stay at optimum performance, so they can create (and free)  more of their most valuable resource: Time. 

You’ll learn…

  • How to help your clients tap into their zone of genius, so they can leverage their unique strengths and gifts, and stay ahead of the competition, even in a crowded, saturated market.
  • How to shift your clients from overwhelm into action mode, by simply answering two unexpected questions that will inspire them and help perform at their highest level.
  • How to coach your clients to make the right decisions by using a tool than will help them see past the fog and focus on what matters most.
  • How to accelerates your client’s creativity even if they are not naturally creative
  • How to maximize your clients’ performanceby applying the 4 disciplines of execution system and understanding the principle of “deep work” vs “fractured work”
  • How to minimize stress and avoid burnout, while positioning yourself as a crucial ally in your clients’ ambition
  • And much more…

By the end of the second week – You’ll have the exact tools and strategies you need to help your clients prioritize, manage their stress levels and find a way to perform at a higher level… without burning out or living in constant overwhelm.

Week 3: Learn How To Help Your Clients Set Effective Goals And Scale Their Business Fast

By week three, you’re ready to get your clients’ goals and plans in order.

During this week – we’re bringing clarity and focus into their business by developing a solid growth plan, creating systems and building an epic team.

You’ll learn…

  • How to coach your clients for long-term business success, by using the “3 P’s” principle
  • How to help your clients set goals that really matter, using the “3 most important questions” exercise.
  • How to help your clients create more freedom in their business,by creating a unique structure that will not put them in a box and choke up their creativity.
  • How to create an actionable plan for an entire year, and break it down into weeks and even days to ensure productivity and peak performance
  • The best way to make decisions without feeling overwhelmed or second-guessing your choice – including how to balance intuition and logic
  • How to create a company-culture that attracts A-players, have them stay for the long run and harness their greatest potential
  • The 5 steps to efficiently lead a team and create a mission-based company that will stay profitable for the long haul.
  • How to lead remote teams successfully by applying the 7 Principles of Effective Communication
  • And much more…

By the end of week 3 –You’ll be able to offer powerful guidance to your clients, even if you’ve never built a team before or think planning and structure is not your strong suit.

Week 4: Learn Exactly Where To Find And How To Land Top-Clients.. Even If You’re Brand New

Week 4 is all about equipping YOU with the exact tools you need to get started as a successful business coach.

During this week you’ll learn exactly how to confidently put yourself out there and get the high-level clients you deserve, as well as how to deliver the results you have promised your clients… and beyond.

You’ll learn…

  • How to approach your clients with confidence, even if they seem wealthier, smarter or more successful than you
  • 6 steps to crafting a coaching agreement both you and your client will love and feel confident in.
  • How to measure the progress of your coaching business’s growth, and create tangible proof of the value and impact your coaching provides
  • The most effective process for creating results with your clients, including a video demonstration to give you a clear outline and actionable steps to follow
  • How to keep your clients coming back and re-signing with you, by asking 2 simple questions after your initial engagement is over
  • How to nail your pricing, and create a proposal your clients can’t help but say ‘yes’ to
  • How to charge what you’re worth with confident and command premium prices with ease by adopting a “wealth centered mindset”, and get over your “money blocks”
  • And much more…

By the end of week 4 – You’ll know how to craft irresistible coaching-packages, how to coach your clients through them, exactly what happens at each session of your coaching journey, how to price yourself in a way that you create a financially rewarding career and more.

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