Home » [DOWNLOAD] The Futur Greg Gunn – Illustration for Designers (2023)
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[DOWNLOAD] The Futur Greg Gunn – Illustration for Designers (2023)

The Futur Greg Gunn – Illustration for Designers Download


Develop Your Style

There’s Only One You—Let it Show!

What’s your style? Because what you aren’t going to learn is how to replicate someone else’s. You have a unique voice, a unique point of view, and unique subject matter—you’ll bring your style together so all of that shines.

Master The Fundamentals

All Levels Welcome

You’ll learn some simple tricks to stylize objects in illustrations, building objects using shapes, add details, and work through how design principles work within the illustration world.

Start Illustrating

Create Your Own Illustration Project

Working from a creative brief, you’ll sketch thumbnails, refine your sketch, and add details, color, light, shadow, and textures.

Learn Tips & Tricks

Ready for more?

Learn how to apply lighting tricks, work with techniques such as overprinting, and so much more.

  • Introduction: A quick overview of what you’ll learn, the tools you’ll need, and the difference between design and illustration.
  • Finding Your Style: Bring together your unique visual language and subject matter so your work is like no other.
  • The Fundamentals: Build and stylize objects using simple shapes and tricks—perfect for beginners!
  • The Project: Create a brief and illustrate your own personal project, including thumbnail development, refining sketches, and adding finishing touches like color, shadows, and texture as well as presenting concepts to clients.
  • Tips & Tricks: Bring life to your illustrations with techniques such as lighting tricks, glows, underpainting and so much more.
  • Bonuses: Get your hands on Greg’s favorite tools, books, and go-to strategies for posting illustrations on Instagram.

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