Jay Abraham – Referral Mastery Download

What You Get:
“Referral Mastery” refers to the science of commanding and controlling an unimaginable swath of powerhouse recommenders, endorsers, fans, champions, advocates AND business benefactors – both within as well as ‘far and widely’ outside your current business scope.
My “Referral Mastery” home study program will provide you with exact / precise / painstakingly-detailed instructions on how to implement, engineer, and sustain monster-successful referral generating systems.
PLUS, I’ll show you how to possibly double the profitability (and lifetime value) of every new client you generate from these methods.
I’ll walk you through exact:
- Execution nuances
- Sourcing instructions
- Verbal scripts to follow
- Role playing…
- We’re talking about dozens-upon-dozens of low-cost, No-Cost, high-performing, proprietary, blockbuster referral-generating strategies NOBODY else even knows about. Nobody!
- We’re talking about me explaining the psychology of becoming a referral dominant preeminent business from a vantage point – and with such precision – that no one else could come close to your referral power – IF you do what I have laid out in this course!
- We’re talking about me explaining a methodology guaranteed to bring you bigger buyers, better buyers, more profitable buyers, no-cost buyers, more consistent buyers, more loyal buyers, more referring buyers – each-and-every month – from NOW on.
FIRST SESSION, I dive into the psychology / mindset / communication and cultural shifts in thinking, focus and action that will transform you and your team into a masterful, referral-generating based enterprise.
SESSIONS TWO and THREE, you will receive access to six (6!) solid, non-stop hours of totally newfound, unshared strategies, complete with tactical approaches, examples, situational scenarios, role playing, and deep consequential discussion.
We’re talking 200+ referral generating fresh new ideas and approaches that just one attendee alone gained, ideas that FEW (IF ANY!) OF YOUR COMPETITORS would think of doing.
Then, in SESSION FOUR, I put it all together and show you exactly / precisely – how to choose which application models to run with first and second (layering them criss-cross like the cross-woven Kevlar sheeting in bulletproof vests).
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