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The 5 Day Build Your First Instagram DM Funnel Challenge by Natasha Takahashi

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The 5 Day Build Your First Instagram DM Funnel Challenge by Natasha Takahashi

Here’s who we’ve designed this epic experience for – marketing agencies and freelancers who want to:

  • Start making $5k per month per client, or upsell existing clients
  • Generate ROI for clients within 30 days or less. We’ll show you how to do it with ONE formula during this Challenge in just 5 day

While this experience will best serve you if you want to offer Instagram DM Funnels as a service, we’ve had entrepreneurs, influencers, and professional marketers (not serving clients) take the Challenge and generate incredible sales.

In just 5 days, you won’t just learn how to build your first revenue-generating Instagram Chatbot Funnel—you’ll actually implement it yourself, with direct coaching from the world’s #1 chatbot agency

When you join the 5 Day Build Your First Instagram DM Funnel Challenge, you will:

  • Understand the foundations of a new marketing channel, how it complements your existing services, and the skills required to produce exponential returns.
  • Gain an early-adopter advantage since the Instagram chatbot feature was just released to ALL users in August 2021.
  • Learn how to launch your first revenue-generating Instagram chatbot confidently for your clients using no-code funnel automation.
  • Discover the secret to selling chatbot marketing as a powerful service and close ideal clients worth $5k+ per month with your new offer.