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Raja Choudhury – Kundalini Advanced Shakti Initiation

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During this online video program, you’ll:

Learn the origins of Kundalini Shakti practices in Tantra, Kaula, Krama, Sri Vidya, and other ancient Indian Schools of Wisdom
Visualize and experience the 3 types of Kundalini Shakti in your body through Raja’s guided Shakti transmission, mantra, and energy
Map your body as a sacred temple that Kundalini can rise through, and discover the essential secrets of the Sri Chakra Yantra as a map of your inner and outer worlds
Live and work with Kundalini — the evolutionary force of divine power within you — to bring about healing, vitality, success, and true inner bliss and happiness
Receive ancient, experiential practices and sacred tools for activating, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way
Open your heart and Third Eye, align your inner energy with the energy of the universe, and become more intuitive, fearless, courageous, and peaceful in this time of change and chaos
Discover the secrets of prana, ojas, and tejas — and how to use energy in an alchemical way through your body
Trace the sacred map of letters and sounds that make up your 7 chakras and the 50 lotus petals within your body and the 1,000 petals above your head
Explore the sacred architecture of your body and become a living temple, or Meru
Discover the secret esoteric meanings of Kundalini Shakti, Shiva, Kali and Lalitha Tripura Sundari
Become a Sky Walker and experience the higher potential of your consciousness, or Siddhis, for healing, creativity, action, courage, and manifestation
Explore Brahma’s Cave, and the magic and grace of Lalitha
Be taught the sacred and secret dance of Shiva and Shakti in your body (Sthulla), mind (Sukshma), and at the source (Para) — and discover how you can become the perfect pillar of light between these two energies within and around you in the cosmos through the ancient Tantric art of correspondence and vibrating with the universe