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Luisa Zhou – The Coach

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How to go from chasing potential clients who tell you,

“I need to think about it” (and then ghost you)


Having dream clients seek YOU out and ask,

“When can we start?”

You know those coaches in your industry who sell out every single program they offer?

Maybe they even have a waitlist for their private coaching.

And their prices are 2x, 3x, or maybe even 10x what yours are.

Want to know the difference between that coach and you?

It’s not that they’re that much better than you at coaching.

It’s also not because they’ve been around longer, have a bigger audience, or have more testimonials than you either.

(Although of course all that helps, there are plenty of coaches with all of those things and more who still don’t have those kinds of results.)

So what is it then?

This truth might sting a bit (but then we’ll make it better):

It’s that your ideal clients don’t have the respect or appreciation for you and your coaching, that you deserve.

The most successful coaches are of course good at what they do.

But, let’s be honest:

That’s NOT the reason they’re so sought after.

The real reason is because they’ve managed to claim an exalted spot in their audience’s minds as one of…THE Coaches.

And this is what makes the world of difference.

Because, as you’ve probably already experienced:

If your ideal clients don’t see you that way, then unfortunately, you’re just part of the “noise.” As in, just part of the humongous sea of coaches that saturates your industry, undifferentiated from any of those countless others.

And what happens when you are just another “commodity” coach?

Well, you have to compete on pricing, hope you win those coach “interviews” (which somehow no one ever wins), and grind it out every day, hoping that eventually you’ll reach a tipping point where things get a little easier.


If that doesn’t sound like your jam, well, I’ve got good news for you:

Becoming thought of as one of those top coaches? Is something you can start doing RIGHT NOW. (No matter where you are in your business.)