Home » Membership » Kristina Azarenko – SEO Website Migrations Made Easy (Advanced)

Kristina Azarenko – SEO Website Migrations Made Easy (Advanced)

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What You Get:
Module 1: Setting you up for success
Your results after this module:

This module will set you up for a great start. You’ll understand how this course works and how to get the most out of it. You’ll get clear on all 5 migration
stages and your SEO goals on each of them. The best thing? You’ll also have access to an extended checklist outlining your every step during the
SEO Migrations Stages and SEO Goals
The Ultimate Website Migration Checklist
Module 2: Website Migration: Uncovering the Must-Know Aspects
Your results after this module:
You’ll learn what migration types exist and how to effectively identify them so that you know exactly what you need to do. You’ll also get a 3-step
framework to break down multiple migrations to help you approach them correctly and minimize risks. You’ll understand common website migration
issues and how to avoid them (this is a huge help for all your projects!). Plus, you’ll know exactly what to do if you’re included in the migration process in
later stages.
Priorities based on when SEO is added to the migration process
Module 3: Stage 1: Building an SEO strategy for the migration
Your results after this module:
You’ll understand how to properly prepare for the website migration and what key information you need to acquire before you start. You’ll know how to
tackle the hardest part of any migration project – cross-team communication. You’ll also learn about the types of risks and how to mitigate them. All this
will help you set up the project for success. In the end, you’ll create a website migration plan with clear actions and timelines.
Questions to ask before you start planning the migration
SEO Migrations Stages – Collaboration Chart
Website Migration Plan Template
Module 4: Stage 2: Preparing for the migration
Your results after this module:

You’ll understand why and how to collect benchmarks before the migration starts. You’ll learn how to create and provide clear requirements to developers
so that they listen to you. You’ll also be able to create a comprehensive redirection map using multiple sources and identify the issues you want to fix
during the website migration. In the end, you’ll prepare SEO requirements for the migration that will help the migration go smoothly.
Website Benchmarks Template
Redirect Map Template
Technical SEO Website Audit Checklist
A List of Potential Issues That Can Be Fixed During Migration
SEO Requirements User Story Template
SEO User Story template and example
Module 5: Domain Migration Specifics
Your results after this module:
You’ll understand the specifics of a domain/subdomain migration so that you know how to approach it confidently.
Domain Migration SEO Checklist
Module 6: URLs Migration Specifics
Your results after this module:
You’ll get a clear picture of how to help with URL migration so that the project goes smoothly and no traffic is lost in the end.
SEO Requirements for Website Migration
Module 7: CMS Migration Specifics
Your results after this module:
You’ll understand how to confidently approach scenarios when a website is switching the content management system, whether to an existing or custom

A list of SEO Requirements for a Custom CMS
Module 8: Website Redesign Specifics
Your results after this module:
You’ll clearly see how to help preserve the SEO value of the website when it’s being redesigned.
Page Templates Pointers
Module 9: Stage 3: During website migration & pre-launch
Your results after this module:
You’ll learn how to test a staging website to make sure all SEO requirements are in place before the website goes live.
Pre-launch SEO Requirements Checklist
Module 10: Stage 4: Migration day
Your results after this module:
You’ll learn all steps you need to take immediately after the website migration so that you’re prepared and in control.
Post-launch Immediate SEO Checks
Module 11: Stage 5: Post-migration analysis

Your results after this module:
You’ll understand how to assess the migration success and how to evaluate if any additional SEO recommendations or fixes are required.
Website Benchmarks Template
Module 12 – Advanced: Migrations during business acquisition/rebrand
Your results after this module:
You’ll have a clear approach to one of the most common migration use cases – website acquisitions and rebranding. You’ll know exactly how to merge 2 or
more websites even if there’s no 1-to-1 match.
Marketing Checklist for Rebranding
Module 13 – Advanced: How to help a client recover from migration that went
Your results after this module:
You’ll learn how to save a website after a failed migration: where to look at and how to recommend immediate fixes and create a recovery plan.
Post Migration First Aid Guide
Module 14 – Advanced: A business side of website migrations (how to sell website
Your results after this module:
You’ll learn how to sell website migrations as a service (which is always a great addition to your business as migration help is very valuable and expensive).
You’ll understand how to scope a migration project and price it so that you’re profitable. You’ll also learn about “pricing traps” and how to avoid them for
Website Migration Project Scoping Template

Website Migrations Pricing Guide