Jon Dykstra – Fat Stacks Bundle 2022
$497.00 Original price was: $497.00.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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What You Get:
Profitable Niche selection
Select the wrong niche and you’ve failed without starting. Get the keys to finding niches that others ignore but that are wildly profitable. If you know where to look, there’s lots of opportunity
Maximum Ads Profits
More eyeballs, more money. It’s as simple as that but there are ways to boost your earnings with the same traffic. Strategic ad placements, ways to get users coming back and sticking longer than expected, and more. I reveal it all to you.
Easy Win Keywords
You get my swiss army knife of 21 research methods that reveals easy to win keywords that you can rank for without building links. I invented most of those and I add to them regularly.
Tools & Checklists
You also get the tools and checklists I personally use day in and day out. My content checklist, my spreadsheets, what free plugins all my sites have when starting, etc. You no longer need to waste time trying to figure things out for yourself.
I still remember what it was like to be overwhelmed and confused as a beginner so I leave no stones unturned in my training. You get everything you need to profit from niche sites in a step-by-step manner. Here’s more of what’s inside for the curious…
- $9,548.24 revenue. 82% of that is because of THIS special ad type
- The dead simple secret to get a foothold in most niches
- Pros and cons of the top 8 money-making niches
- 21 out of the box ways to get profitable, easy win keywords
- Want expensive tools? How to keep them affordable
- How to get a goldmine of keywords from users
- The keyword method architects know that SEOs don’t
- Ad network stack: How to earn early on and grow from there
- The simple way to increase ad revenue (Never failed me)
- Pros and cons of the top 8 ad networks
- Best ad units for more money from the same traffic
- Many ways to find profitable niches
- 21 Proven Keyword research methods for easy wins
- Are Amazon native ads a waste of your time?
- Adding ads manually? Do this instead
- Earn more from each user WITHOUT and email list
- The 3 ad types I refuse to use (Likely will tank your traffic)
- $5,500/month with 200 visitors per day? Yes. Here’s how
- 12 simple and effective way to earn more from each click
- Are video ads something you should be looking at?
- How to get 94.41% more CPM income using this ad type
- Ultra geographic: Earns big with often zero competition
- 43 low traffic but high income website ideas
- & much, much more!
If you’re a beginner with no technical skills in building sites, this is for you. In this bonus I show you how to have your own website up and running in just about an hour.
Most of my sites are all pretty much setup the same way so I also reveal my plugin stack, the theme I use and the exact layout deployed on all of my sites.
Plus if you are an absolute beginner, there’s 23 video tutorials on how to master WordPress in record time. For those with zero experience in websites this is the perfect start that gets you up to speed quickly.
This bonus gives your site the strong foundations you need in terms of speed & structure.
- Get your niche site running in 60 minutes
- The does and don’ts of a great domain name
- What theme I use on all my sites
- My exact layout (all my sites are like this)
- All of my sites have these plugins turned on
- & much more
- The trick to promoting offers WITHOUT articles
- THIS is the most lucrative affiliate product type
- 5 on-site ways to promote your offers
- The easy way to find winning offers
- Find goldmine keywords (with this 3 letter word)
- & much more
I do not hate the affiliate model, I just don’t rely on it. I make an extra $10-20,000 monthly on top of my display ads income so it’s icing on the cake.
This is different than your typical affiliate model, you actually do not need to write endless “Best” articles to make affiliate sales. Nor do you need lots of traffic (I make a $5000+ with just 200 users per day on one site)
Because my system doesn’t really involve writing endless affiliate articles (It’s easily deployed) I call it the lazy affiliate method. I use it on my niche sites if I want to add another profit pocket.
Once you have the traffic, you can set it up fast and start earning quickly. Ironically enough, I’ve made more as an affiliate when I didn’t focus on affiliate articles. Go figure.
You do not need be an SEO to attract massive amounts of traffic. I say this confidently because I’m personally not an SEO, I’m a publisher who happens to attract 2 million monthly visitors to my sites.
SEO is not as complicated as you think it is. That is why in this bonus, you’ll learn all of my simple, streamlined strategy that ranks information articles. This is 10 years of ranking websites distilled into a system that works.
While you can use my system to rank any site, it’s of course made for sites that serve ads. So it’s big on site speed and keeping users clicking more (more $ for you).
You’ll find out how to transform your site into a blazing fast performer and how to increase pageviews and on-site time.
Once you get them on your site, and they keep clicking…you win!
- The SEO plugins I deploy on all my sites
- 135k referring domains. Built none. Here’s how
- How to crank up your site speed to green
- THIS increases pageviews up to 81%
- My 17 point “Keep ’em hooked” checklist
- & much more
- Should you sell? 10 points to consider
- 10 things that make your site irresistible to buyers
- A lawyer’s perspective on non-competes
- The uncomfortable truth of selling website shares
- 4 best places to sell your site
- & much more
Very few things in this life will give you a large payday besides inheriting money, winning the lottery or flipping your website. You only have total control over the last one.
Websites are a nice asset because they earn you monthly but if you ever decide to sell, you can sell it up to 42x their value.
So a site making $3000 a month can be sold for $126,000. If I wanted to exit from my main site, I could get around $3,780,000 for it. There’s probably no greater massive leverage than flipping your site.
Even better: Content sites are highly prized because of their more stable and passive nature. In this bonus I’ll reveal everything you need to protect your butt make the most money.
If you are unsure if you want to sell, I also share the framework I use to figure out if the time is right. Without this I would have made a 3.2 million dollar mistake.
“Facebook is dead”…Right? Hold that thought for a minute
With a Fatstacks style blog, the more eyeballs your site gets, the more money you make. And one of my biggest traffic sources besides Google is good old Facebook.
It’s profitable to this day, just let your competitor think that “Facebook is dead”. In this bonus I’ll reveal how you can get thousands of clicks and maximum engagement from Facebook for free.
That’s 5-10,000 extra clicks per day. On top of the traffic from Google this is a great income booster for Fatstacks-style niche blogs.
You will use some not-so-hidden Facebook tabs to find out exactly what’s hot and working right now and even how to put the whole Facebook strategy on autopilot.
- The simple way to find out what you should post
- 5 must-see Facebook pages that are killing it
- Winning FB traffic ideas for wicked cheap
- How to find what your competitors are doing
- 3 steps to automate the whole thing
- & much more
- A log of every change to my sites since 2019
- Each sites’ traffic and content count
- The revenue from ads made on each
- Content providers compared
- Full access to any experiments I’m running
- & much more
I have a master spreadsheet where I manage my site portfolio. How much traffic each site gets, how much they make, how many articles have been added…
I also have a master “log” file where I put in any change I make to my site like a new plugin or theme.
I am telling you this because I am offering them to you as a bonus. You get to see everything that happens on my site since 2019 with full transparency.
I obviously cannot reveal my sites but if I add a new plugin, you will know. If I add a new there and it doesn’t work out, you will know. I’ll be your guinea pig, you get what works.
This way you’ll know everything about all of my site’s main metrics. That’s not all, I routinely set up experiments like finding out who’s the best content provider, etc. Everything that I find, I report to you right there.
If you’ve ever wanted to travel, being able to stay home with the kids or simply have more time for whatever, turning on passive mode in your niche sites is the way.
This was the most challenging part of my journey and I made some costly mistakes that you can avoid. In this bonus, you get everything you need to put your site on autopilot.
You get all the very carefully worded templates and documents I use to grow my websites, all of my processes to automate every aspect of my business.
It took me years of refinement to get these to the point where I can sleep soundly at night and know that things can run very well without me.
You on the other hand can shortcut everything and get a step-by-step playbook that makes it possible for you to make more while working less.
- How to turn your site into a passive asset
- 21 carefully written order templates
- Where to find a dream team, on the cheap
- All the common costly pitfalls to avoid
- The free tool that manages everything
- & much more
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