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Gemma Went – Online Business Bootcamp

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What You’ll Learn In Online Business Bootcamp?

Phase 1: Validate

Module 1: Validation

This module focuses on:

  • Ensuring your business hits the sweet spot that links what your audience wants, what your competitors don’t offer, and what feels in alignment with your heart by doing three different types of essential research (many businesses fail because this first foundational step is missed)
  • Testing your business concept and model to ensure you’re on the right track for success, sustainability, consistent recurring revenue and profit (and how to tweak it if you’re not)

Module 2: People

This module focuses on:

  • Understanding your ideal paying clients at a deep level and connecting with their true problems and desires (which are not necessarily the ones they’re talking publicly about!)
  • Aligning your messaging and offers with those problems and desires so you position yourself as the “no-brainer” solution they’ve been looking for
  • Deciding whether to niche or not because, contrary to popular advice, niching isn’t right for everyone (and I’m going to tell you why)

Module 3: Brand

This module focuses on:

  • Uncovering your superpowers in my “Identifying Your Uniqueness” exercise — you’ll find so much gold in your experience that you may well have been taking for granted until now!
  • Digging deeper into your vision, mission, and values and turning them into purposeful messaging that will have the right people flocking to you
  • Pulling all of the above into your visual “Brand House” (a few Bootcampers found this so useful they pinned it up by their desk!)

Phase 2: Create

Module 4: Goals

This module focuses on:

  • Clarifying your longer-term and shorter-term visions and the habits you need to create to support yourself in reaching your goals
  • Creating your vision so you can SEE what you’re working towards (instead of keeping it locked in your head)
  • Setting specific, targeted goals aligned with those visions so you’re set up to bring them to life, faster

Module 5: Mindset

This module focuses on:

  • Developing a success mindset so that believing in and trusting yourself comes as naturally as breathing
  • Rewriting negative beliefs so self-sabotage becomes a thing of the past
  • Creating your own “hero worship” – where I’ll show you how to find and embody the traits of those you look up to in business
  • Building a toolbox to help you identify and overcome blocks and resistances whenever they pop up (this includes a daily mindset support and my favourite EFT videos — if you’re new to tapping, this will be game changing!)

Module 6: Money

This module focuses on:

  • Mapping out your desired revenue target, minimum monthly revenue, and the aligned offering(s) that will have your ideal clients tripping over themselves to buy
  • Creating your offerings roadmap so you know exactly how many of which offers you need to sell to hit your revenue target and how you can create that consistent, recurring revenue you crave
  • Deciding how to price your offers (using my clever pricing framework spreadsheet that calculates everything for you) so you get paid what your work is worth and what you need to hit your goals, but don’t price yourself out of the market

Phase 3: Systemise

Module 7: Marketing

This module focuses on:

  • Setting up a smart yet simple evergreen marketing system that’s aligned with you, your goals, and your people so you bring in relevant leads (and ultimately revenue) on autopilot (psst this REALLY helps to create that consistent, recurring revenue.
  • Dialling down on the marketing activities that bring you the most joy — and the best results — and ditching everything else (we’ll use my 6 core categories of marketing to do this)
  • Mastering the 10 core content pillars so you go from not knowing what to post and when to knowing exactly what to post and when, and then having a repurposing system maximise every piece of content you create

Module 8: Sales

This module focuses on:

  • Developing a successful sales mindset so you can convert more leads, run sales conversations with confidence and enthusiasm, and know how to deal with buying objections
  • Choosing your soul-aligned sales strategies (and I’ll share LOADS with you) and the channels you’ll sell through
  • Clarifying your messaging so your people understand the massive value your program or service provides
  • Optimising your offers so people will want to snap them up without you having to do anything remotely like an icky “hard-sell”
  • Tracking your pipeline (with my pipelining templates) so you can plan and keep on top of exactly how to reach your revenue goals

Module 9: Systems

This module focuses on:

  • Creating the slick supportive systems you need to run your business like clockwork (so you can properly rest and care for yourself safe in the knowledge that your business is set up to bring in leads and make money at the same time)
  • Using my Mothership Business Dashboard to ensure every single part of your business is considered and optimised for efficiency (once you have these you’ll wonder how you ever ran your business without them)
  • Building a 90-day plan using my unique planning kit which shows you step-by-step how to map out and implement one big goal or three smaller goals (and you can repeat this every quarter)
  • Growing your team and/or scaling your offers so that you set yourself up for long-term success and consistent recurring revenue