Dan Bacon – Text Attraction course
$297.00 Original price was: $297.00.$34.99Current price is: $34.99.
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What’s in the Text Attraction Program?
Here are just some of the amazing things you will learn:
100s of attractive first texts to send if you got her number in person, matched with her on a dating app, or are reaching out to text a woman
you know or like for the first time. You’ll never be stuck wondering what to text to make her feel attracted and reply. You will always have
something attractive and interesting to text to get a woman’s attention and make her feel compelled to reply.
How to handle the challenging questions a woman asks you via text, in a way that causes her attraction and desire to meet up with you to
skyrocket. That way, you don’t lose your opportunities with women who were interested, but then suddenly lost interest based on how you
answered certain questions.
How to make women reply faster and show loads more interest in you via text, even when you’ve just begun texting.
How to prevent a text conversation from becoming boring, fizzling out and you then losing your opportunity with a woman.
How to handle it when women don’t make it easy to arrange dates with them via text (e.g. she stops replying when you suggest a meetup,
says that she’ll let you know when she’s free, says no to a meetup request, cancels a date, or regularly can’t make it to dates). The texts
provided in this section ensure that she remains attracted and either suggests another date right away, or says yes the next time you suggest
How to refuel a woman’s interest if she has gone cold, ghosted you, or lost interest in texting you or being with you.
How to avoid being put in the friend zone with women you really like.
How to reinitiate a conversation with a woman who hasn’t replied to your last text, without seeming needy for texting her again.
How to reply if she takes something you text the wrong way, so you can then make her laugh, feel good and feel more attracted to you.
How to ensure women understand what you mean via text, so conversations are smooth, fast, to the point and quickly result in you and her
arranging to meet up.
How to create what I call the Texting Sweet Spot, where all you really need to do is reply to women and say yes or no to them trying to meet
up with you.
How to be attractive when you send a voice text, video text or leave a voicemail.
How to text after a first date to increase her interest, make her want to see you again and then get another date.
How to always be confident when texting a woman and never fall into the trap of becoming insecure based on what she is texting, or how
she is behaving.
How to make a woman fall more in love with you over text, offer to cook you dinner, ask you to come over and have sex and only want to get
a text from you (i.e. she totally loses interest in texting other guys).
How to text a woman if you’re dating her exclusively vs. how to text if you’re dating multiple women at once. These texts ensure that no
matter how many women you’re dating, they all remain happy, interested and keen to see you as often as possible, or as often as you are
How to text to get a woman to happily come over to your place for a first date, or to meet you for a coffee, or go out to something to eat, as
well as many other date options explained in the program.
How to text a woman based on her current level of interest (i.e. low, medium or high). If a guy texts a low interest woman in the same way he
texts a high interest woman, he’ll usually get rejected or ignored. The secrets revealed in this section of the program ensure that you are
always able to get a date, have sex or begin a relationship with a woman regardless of her current level of interest. From now on, you will
never lose another opportunity with a woman that you find attractive ever again.
How to pursue a woman via text in a non-needy way that she appreciates, welcomes and wants and more importantly, in a way that results in
you and her going on a date, having sex or beginning a relationship together.
How to make a woman pursue you via text and make it obvious that she likes you and wants you.
How to turn a woman on via text and make her want to have sex with you, even if she is shy, reserved or usually plays hard to get with men.
You don’t have to text in a sexual way to get a date with a woman, but it’s a very useful skill to have ready, especially when you’re texting a
woman who begins texting in a sexual way and hopes that you can handle it, make her feel more turned on and then arrange a meetup, or
How to make a conversation attractive and make a woman want to reply, even if she isn’t saying much via text initially.
How to make a woman feel compelled to contribute more to the text conversation, show interest and make it clear that she is keen to meet
up with you right away.
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