“Master These Competitive Selling Strategies, and You’ll Never Lose a SaaS Deal to Your Competition Again.”
“In this course, you’ll learn more than 20 competitive selling strategies I used to drive competitors CRAZY while growing Gong to a $7.2B valuation.”
1.How to rig deals in YOUR FAVOR, step-by-step.
- Two step-by-step techniques to rig the buying criteria in YOUR FAVOR.
- Word-for-word questions and exercises you can STEAL and use today.
2.7 tactics to WIN before the battle even STARTS.
- Set up EVERY deal to be “competitor proof”
- Undermine your competitors before they even come into the deal (WITHOUT “slinging mud”)
3.How to win at YOUR price (even with cheap competitors)
- Tired of getting undercut and ground down on price? Learn how to “box out” your competitors from the negotiation.
4.The Nuclear Option: What to do when you’re LOSING.
- Two “turnaround” tactics to SAVE deals before you lose.
5.How to create a “political web” that favors YOU.
- You’ll win and lose deals at the political and org dynamics level. You’ll learn how to build a “web network” — a NIGHTMARE for your competitors.
6.More than 10 real-life case studies, exercises, and examples.
- You’ll get worksheets, case studies, and concrete examples so you can start using these techniques, FAST.