Kasim Aslam – DigitalMarketer – Google ADS Mastery Workshop Download

“But Google Ads Are Way Too Expensive…”
Be honest…
Have you given up on Google Ads because they’re too competitive and too expensive?
You’re not alone.
Most marketers we know generate 80% (or more) of their traffic from Facebook and Instagram, because there’s a belief that Facebook is cheaper and easier.
But what if that weren’t the case?
What if you could generate consistent, profitable clicks from Google, and what if it were easier to manage than Facebook?
You can…
Introducing: The Four-Stage Formula For FINALLY Making Google Ads Work
Look, I get it. Facebook and Instagram are the go-to traffic source for most marketers.
But here’s something you may not know:
- 63,000 searches get processed by Google each second1, so the channel is MASSIVE!
- Google delivers an 8:1 return on investment2 (if you know what you’re doing)
- $1-$2 is the average cost-per-click for Google Ads3 (Compare that to FB these days.)
- $1 or less is the average CPC for the Google Display Network4
- People who click on ads are 50% more likely to make a purchase5 (so yes, it converts)
- 35% of users purchase a product within 5 days of searching for it on Google6 (so if you aren’t there and your customer is, they’ll make the sale instead of you)
In other words, Google Ads can be…
BETTER converting, and…
EASIER to scale…
…than Facebook ads, if (and this is a big “IF”) you know what you’re doing. (Which you will.)
And let’s face it. Facebook isn’t enough, anyway…
You Need More Than One Source of Traffic
More than likely your business isn’t at risk, but it’s hard to ignore the facts…
This year, alone, Facebook has deleted 22.5 MILLION posts, banned entire ad categories without warning, and are hinting that they will limit the number of ads that advertisers are about to run in 2021.
What next?!?
Don’t get me wrong. At DigitalMarketer, we love Facebook and we believe Facebook ads are a critical component of any paid traffic strategy. But with everything happening in the world today, I think we can all agree that a little diversification is a very, very good idea.
And that’s why we’re hosting this one-time-only workshop…
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