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[DOWNLOAD] Denise Duffield-Thomas – Money Bootcamp (2022)

Denise Duffield-Thomas – Money Bootcamp Download

Denise Duffield-Thomas – Money Bootcamp Download

What You Get:


Clear the Way for Your First Class Life

Pave the way for success by clearing out your old money stories

If you chronically undercharge and over-deliver or worse or agree to work for free and then feel all kinds of resentful about it. It’s time to stop living in a permanent cycle of “feast or famine” and never feeling like it’s enough.

So you can pave the way for genuine abundance, you’ve got to clear out the crap and start with a clean slate. In this first module, you’ll dive headfirst into the essentials that will set you up for success: divine decluttering, permanent forgiveness, and emotional clearing, including how to give up your family legacy around money – no matter how messy it is!

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to clear and forgive old money memories
  • How to find abundance everywhere
  • How to unlock your hidden treasures
  • How to recognise self-sabotage and what to do about it
  • How to release old money blocks that are holding you back from ultimate success.

…and more


Develop Your Money Mindset Magic

Learn how to earn more without burnout!

Do you often procrastinate taking care of income-producing activities in your business (like sending invoices or sending out email offers to your list)? And do you feel massive resistance (maybe even abject terror!) around having money conversations with potential clients?

When it comes to money, we’re all unique in the way we sabotage ourselves and hold ourselves back. Until you identify exactly what your own particular brand of mindset mayhem is, you’ll never be able to reprogram your thoughts and move forward. That’s why in this module, we’ll be getting up close and personal with your individual belief system, and zeroing in on how and where you’re stuck.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to discover your energetic income
  • How to earn more money without working harder
  • How to clear negative beliefs
  • How to work through your money fears
  • How to ace daily goal-setting.

…and more


Call in the Wealth

This is where we start dialing up our understanding of the law of attraction and calling in the wealth you’re truly craving.

To start calling in your own version of abundance with laser precision, you’ve got to get crystal clear on what you want – both right now, as well as in the future.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to create anchors to boost positivity
  • How to shift your language to bring more abundance
  • How not to let other people’s money blocks get in the way of your success
  • How to stay positive and abundant in the face of scarcity and negativity

…and more


Big ripples, big results

Use the money manifesting formula to start to create results fast!

You know you have a great business or idea, but you can’t seem to make enough money from it to cover your basic expenses (let alone get “rich”​). Let’s ditch the BS, fears and doubts and make an investment in yourself to make your dreams happen.

Let’s get started on the art of inspired transformation, and it’s where the Lucky Bee money-making formula starts to get really exciting. It’s all about punching holes in time and space to start drawing in abundance and wealth like never before. You’ll learn how to get the whole Universe on your side and conspiring in your favor.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • Why you need to give yourself permission to be rich
  • How to overcome the excuses you tell yourself that stop you earning more
  • How clutter (physical and emotional) affects your income
  • How decluttering will bring greater abundance and success
  • How to upgrade your systems, marketing and mindset in your business.

…and more


Building Your Dream Relationship with Money

How to bust through all the negative talk to create a First-Class life

Don’t let other people’s blocks, limiting beliefs and negative talk hold you back. It’s your time. We look at how to deal with other people’s money stories – your partner, your family and your kids.

There are so many different levels when it comes to your relationship with money, and unless you address them all, you’re destined to a future of setbacks, stumbling blocks, and ongoing struggle.

Here we address each of these issues in turn and start to rewrite your story to create a healthier, more loving relationship with your money!

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to heal your relationship with money
  • How to fall in love with your life
  • How to increase your savings
  • Why it’s important to create a new mindset around savings
  • How to break through self-sabotage.

…and more


Becoming A Mindset Role Model

Celebrate your success and show others what strong, wealthy and abundant looks like!

I know you have a HUGE desire for more, and tons of frustration you’re frustrated that it’s not coming quickly enough so, in the final module, we’ll ensure that all your newfound strategies and beliefs become second nature, so that manifesting becomes virtually effortless for you and you can create a ‘new norm’ when it comes to money.

Now listen, this might all sound woo-woo and theoretical but trust me – I’m a Virgo – I’ve crammed practical tools, techniques and proven steps into every module. And there’s not a single tool here that I haven’t put to use myself to create my own money transformation.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • How to talk to kids about money
  • How to be a strong wealthy role model
  • How to have healthy conversations about money with your partner
  • How to heal your collective money stories
  • How to rewrite your family’s future.

…and more

Download Link for PAID Members

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