Home » [DOWNLOAD] Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers Series (2022)
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[DOWNLOAD] Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers Series (2022)

Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers Series Download

Paul Roetzer – Piloting AI for Marketers Series Download

What You Get:

  • Course 1: Intro to AI for Marketers
  • Course 2: State of Marketing AI Industry
  • Course 3: Piloting AI: The Use Case Model
  • Course 4: Piloting AI: The Problem-Based Model
  • Course 5: Marketer + Machine: How To Buy Smarter Marketing Tech
  • Course 6: The Future of Business is Ai, or Obsolete
  • Course 7: Intro to AI for Advertising
  • Course 8: Intro to AI for Analytics
  • Course 9: Intro to AI for Communications and PR
  • Course 10: Intro to AI for Content Marketing
  • Course 11: Intro to AI for Customer Service and Experience
  • Course 12: Intro to AI for Ecommerce
  • Course 13: Intro to AI for Email Marketing
  • Course 14: Intro to AI for Sales
  • Course 15: Intro to AI for SEO
  • Course 16: Intro to AI for Social Media Marketing
  • Course 17: AI and You

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