Bob Serling – Ultimate Leverage Licensing Express
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What You Get:
This newly updated version of Ultimate Leverage Licensing gives you ALL the training materials and recordings of the live calls from Bob Serling’s in-depth,
6-week coaching program. You get all the training, tools and coaching call recordings needed to use other peoples’ assets to broker lucrative licensing
And because you use other peoples’ assets, this can all be done with no cost and no risk – even if you have no previous licensing experience.
Week 1
Get leading experts to build your list – for free
This first week, the focus is on building your list. You’ll be amazed to discover how easy it really is to get leading experts to send you all the traffic you’ll
ever need. Entirely for free.
Here’s what we cover in this training session:
Why you only need a list of 150 to 300 qualified prospects to build a 7-figure licensing business
How to choose the best target market to work in
3 different types of lead magnets you could create – which is best?
How to use “borrowed social proof” to get dozens of leading experts to create your lead magnet content for you – even if no one has ever heard of you
The exact social proof invitation to send to the experts you want to work with. Delivered to you in word-for-word format, ready to cut, paste and send.
An ingenious switch-back technique that doubles the number of experts who agree to create your lead magnet for you
How to get the experts who created your content to share it with their lists
Social Accelerator #1: How to leverage the reputations of the experts in your lead magnet to get interviewed on dozens of podcasts
Social Accelerator #2: Get dozens, or even hundreds, of other experts and ezine publishers to tell their lists about your lead magnet by leveraging the
reputations of the experts in your lead magnet
The “refresh” button that keeps your lead magnet current and fresh, resulting in even more experts and publications sending you traffic
And much more
One more important point. While this may sound complicated, it’s actually very easy to implement and takes far less time than other list building systems.
Remember, the entire Ultimate Leverage Licensing Express system is driven by simplification. And that’s absolutely true for this innovative method of
building a high-quality list without paying a penny for traffic.
Week 2
Recording of the live coaching call on getting leading experts to build your list
This week, members of the Coaching version of the program got together on a live coaching call where I answered all your questions on implementing
your list building system.
This 90-minute call was conducted live over Zoom and recorded. That recording is immediately available on the members-only training site. So you’ll
always be able to review it at your own convenience.
Week 3
Get some of the companies on your list to loan you the use of their lists and products
During this week of the program, in-depth training was presented on how to get a number of the companies on your list to loan you their lists and
products for your licensing deals. Here’s what we covered – and what you’ll get instantly:
Why email is the only method to use to approach new prospects
The instant deal killer – what never to put in your subject line
The two best subject lines for getting maximum response – both pre-written for you and ready to go
What to say in your invitation – and what to avoid saying at all costs
A copy of my own tested and proven invitation, marked up in the spots for you to modify for your own licensing services. In just 5 to 10 minutes, you’ll
have your own version of this high-performing invitation ready to go.
The complete ULL Sales Presentation Script that uses the Customer Success Journey and your prospect’s own sales figures to demonstrate how much they
have to gain – and close prospects at a much higher rate than any other presentation method.
By using the Customer Success Journey to chart your prospect’s subscribers own real life experience, then getting your prospect to use their own sales
figures to calculate the value of selling more products and services to their list, they actually close themselves on working with you. So you’ll frequently
hear, “This is fantastic, when can we get started?”
The ULL Licensing Agreement. What to include to make sure your deal is a win-win for both sides. And equally important, the language to use when
writing it.
A copy of my own Licensing Agreement you can use as is or modify to create your own
The exact retainer to charge and the commission structure I recommend to have all your licensing deals pay you 6-figure commissions
How to make sure you get paid on time and in full without causing any friction between you and your clients
How to turn every licensing deal into multiple deals that keep paying you 6-figure commissions year after year
And a ton more!
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy this process is to implement, especially with every marketing document and licensing agreement already done
for you.
That’s why some of my previous students have implemented deals and collected substantial commissions within just a couple weeks of completing the
Week 4
Recording of the live coaching call on maximizing the number
of companies you get to loan you the use of their lists and products
In this week’s coaching call, I answered all your questions on maximizing the number of companies who agree to loan you the use of their lists and
products. And how to turn each licensing deal into multiple, ongoing deals.
This 90-minute call was conducted live over Zoom and recorded. That recording, with answers to all your questions, is immediately available on the
members-only training site. So you’ll always be able to review it at your own convenience.
Week 5
Broker deals to sell more of the products your client doesn’t offer to their list …PLUS, all of the newly added strategies
In this final training session, we’ll wrap up with thorough training on brokering deals with the companies that have the products and services you want to
sell to your client’s list. Here’s what’s covered:
The exact positioning to use that gets nearly 100% of all the companies you contact to agree to partner with you
How to negotiate the highest commission rates for your clients while still keeping your partners completely satisfied with the deal
The “circle back bump” for increasing commission rates after a few months. Even an increase of a couple percentage points can add up to tens of
thousands more in commissions over the year.
The ideal payment schedule to keep both parties happy – and make sure you and your client get paid your full commissions on time
A copy of my own Partner Agreement you can use as is or modify to create your own
A checklist of materials you’ll need from these partners in order to maximize the sales to your client’s list
An easy way to get your partners to refer other partners to you
The “logical conclusion conversion technique” for turning many of the partners you work with into paying clients on the other side of the deal
The ideal schedule for sending out your first “quick hit” offers to your client’s list
Automating a simple system of scheduled mailings to create ongoing, long-term sales for your clients – and ongoing commissions for you
The Resource Center Implementation Checklist for creating consistent passive revenue for your clients month after month. And consistent monthly
commissions for you.
PLUS, full coverage of every new strategy I listed on Pages 9 and 10 of this document. These game-changing strategies make it even easier to generate 6
and 7-figure profits in the least time possible, even if you have no previous experience.
And much more
This entire process is easy to implement and specifically designed to create immediate short-term sales, ongoing long-term sales, and a consistent flow of
monthly passive revenue. So you can start making serious money right away and keep on growing from there.
What better way to wrap up our final training session!
Week 6
Recording of the live coaching call on brokering deals
to sell more of the products your client doesn’t offer to their list
In the recording of the Coaching call for this final week, I’ve answered all your questions on brokering deals with partners to sell more products to your
client’s list. And how to turn many of those partners into clients for your full services.
I also answer all your questions on the all-new strategies that accelerate your profits, while reducing the time it takes to work on your licensing business.
As with all the calls, this 90-minute call was conducted live over Zoom and recorded. That recording, with answers to all your questions, is immediately
available on the members-only training site. So you’ll always be able to access it and listen at your own convenience.
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